Writer: Ed Brisson / Artist: Damian Couceiro / Marvel Comics
This week brings us X-Force #6. Under attack by Stryfe and his New Canaanites on the hunt for Young Cable, we get a walkthrough of how X-Force was found. Tracking Cable through time, they find themselves in Transia. The fictional country where our team just took on Ahab and the anti-mutant dictator is given valuable resources in exchange for safe quarter for their mutant population. Their ambitions are proven nefarious as they recruit them into their army under false pretenses. The activity in Transia further leads them to Cable as they find Rachel Summers. Privately, Stryfe confides in an underling his insecurities regarding failure to inherit Apocalypse’s blessing because of Cable. In the present, Stryfe gets Cable to leave his team for their safety as well as to get to Rachel.
Cable. A war. Stryfe. Apocalypse. Time travel. We’ve been here before. I can’t help but feel offended. Did they think we wouldn’t notice because Cable’s young? I found myself supremely bored reading this story. On top of an unoriginal plot, the dialogue was middle of the road. There was literally nothing tethering me to this story. For a minute I was curious how much of this version of Cable’s history matched the previous iterations but quickly lost all interest. The art was as mediocre as the rest of the book. It’s by no means bad but when there’s nothing literary grabbing me in a book I look for some visual excitement to get me through.
I do see the potential for an interesting development in the story. As the rest of the X-Force follows young Cable to save him I can see the exploring a plot point they’ve been flirting with. Both Domino and Cannonball have had talks with young Cable regarding his leadership ability, using what they’ve learned from his older self to mentor him. Brisson has the capacity for nuance and I’m holding out for it.
5 “Yawns” out of 10
Reading X-Force? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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