I was told about this event via our resident nerd Danez Smith months earlier. I found myself coming back into town on the last day of it. A fellow writer Jayson Smith was posting about Afro Punk and on his way back to it to see some poets perform. I was asking him about it via text messages,
I’m dead tired and carrying bags but I’m thinking I may as well check this out. I’m with a friend that lives near by and is headed there anyway. I need to get my editorials up anyhow, so why not, right? Bruh, I got to Brooklyn and the park it was at….. Bruh….I felt like I was straight up in Wakanda. It felt like for one day only marvel universe came into play and Wakanda was teleported to Brooklyn.
This was truly captivating and refreshing man to just be among black folk with mad fashion / cultural / taste / differences being black and present. From artsy to nerd, to goth, to punk, to dope the dress attire was whatever the fuck you want. It was hot as hell and i saw a dude in a three piece suit and gators UNBOTHERED my dude. Sun, it was a sight of immaculate edges, cocoa butter and not a spot of ash to be seen. I had a Jerry McGuire moment as I damn near let the thug tears fly for this event (especially in light of whats been happening in Ferguson).
The festival was great with all types of artists on stage performing different genres of music but if you know me, then you know I’m trying to find some nerd shit. Luckily Danez already had me covered as he pulled me to this table to meet Wonder Lee.
Lee has an assortment of custom made bowties that going so hard in the nerd I damn near passed out. Lee out here dropping Bow(ties)s on’em.
Yeah it was rather serious, I copped one to add to my collection of all things nerd. It stood out amongst the rest.
I mean since the internet is my Bankai I might as well cop the bow tie that best represents that for display
Yeah thats what I am talking about man. I’ll def try and be there for the first day to report more but from what i saw this was like a cleanse before going back to the rest of real world where…. I aint even gotta say it do I?
Yall already know….

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