Writer: Daniel Kibblesmith // Artist: Ricardo López Ortiz / Marvel
Wondrous Puking Noises
What I love the most about this BP vs DP series is that there is no point in time where I say “They wouldn’t say that”. Every joke is well set up. They are all legitimately face-palm worthy and I absolutely love it. Kibblesmith captures what this Merc is really about. Honestly this is probably the craziest Deadpool I’ve seen in a while (I’ve said that mentally so many times but this is real because I said it out loud). Listen, when reading Deadpool I’ve learned to never ask the question “How” but just ask “Why” it heightens the experience.
The beautiful part about this is that I’m starting see that even more with Black Panther. Not “How will this be more honorable?” but “Why would be this more honorable?” How will this decision help my people? How will this hold up the future? While reading Issue #2 of Black Panther vs Deadpool I realized that the best questions are the ones that put these characters on a flat surface and challenge how are they similar. What is the extent of their personal goals and whether
or not this intersection is a conflict or resolution.
Content and Artistry Alignment
Ricardo López Ortiz really heightened this experience and honestly I’m down for the cause. If there is one thing I appreciate about comic artistry is its ability to align with content and push the narrative in other directions. Words are beautiful but if we just wanted words we’d read a novel. Oritz matches the messiness of the relationship with the strokes. When I imagine a messy fight I imagine blood splatter and broken bones. Within this art, instead of a gut punch I felt anticipation, which some might see as a downfall, but honestly it was relieving. For future issues I hope to see the the cuts between scenes be a bit smoother. I got somewhat lost even though I knew what was going down. The transitions between Deadpool’s discoveries and Black Panther’s training session got me whipped for a second. Maybe a bit of picture in picture could help keep this going. The fight scenes as a whole are hilarious. The art brings the intensity as well as laughs.
Reading Black Panther vs. Deadpool? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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