Writer: Nick Spencer/ Artist: Daniel Acuna / Marvel Comics
The year is 2016 and the most prominent talking points in the weekly presidential debates are immigration reform, corporations abusing their financial power, and the people’s growing mistrust of authority figures. So the latest issue of Captain America: Sam Wilson, a series that’s already been shown it’s a capable reflection of society, brought up all of those things.
Last we saw Cap, he was still a werewolf but was being held captive by the Serpent Society. But that’s not the main story of issue number 5 of Captain America: Sam Wilson. Instead, we get more acquainted with Joaquin Torress, a former coyote that helped people cross the Mexican border through some of the most dangerous paths in the American southwest. As we saw a couple of issues ago, Joaquin had his DNA spliced so that he has some attributes of a hawk – Redwing to be specific – such as flight.
While Redwing is sure to still be around, it looks like Sam Wilson is going to have a new sidekick. If there’s going to be a new Captain America it’s only fitting that he have a flying sidekick. Joaquin has already proven to be altruistic so it’ll be interesting to see how his character expands. It should also be said that having another POC character of importance introduced is always a huge plus.
Diamondback’s backstory was a treat, for sure. The villain-turned-hero was pressured to return to the Serpent Society after going in debt to pay for her lover’s medical bills. Unfortunately, he passed away but the bills still needed to be paid. This brief story made Diamondback’s character more important than she had to be, which ultimately benefits the story.
Note: Since Redwing is part vampire now – which means so is Joaquin – I’m looking for a vampire/werewolf team-up at some point before Cap Wolf goes away [hopefully for a while].
8 out of 10
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