Writer: Marv Wolfman / Artists: Felipe Watanabe, Oclair Albert / DC Comics
It hasn’t even been a year yet and David Walker has already done a good job of establishing a respectable mythos for Cyborg in his solo series. I once wrote in my weekly blog that the Cyborg problem his lack of development. Before this series, odds are you couldn’t name an archvillain let alone a pivotal story arc in the history of the character. Now, he’s got a memorable supporting cast, nuanced pathos and even a recurring nemesis.
Issue #10 tags living legend (not to mention Cyborg’s co-creator) Marv Wolfman into the ring for his shot at Cyborg for three issues starting with this one. The story moves in two real parts. The first is Victor spending quality time with his father and living bluetooth signal of a mom as one big happy family, but Silas suspects all is not as it seems. Meanwhile, the Justice League sends a friend along with Cyborg to look into the true motives of the sinister tech company, Cyber- Tech.
Wolfman approaches the story with a somewhat lighter, more heartfelt tone in mind than Walker did. Granted, Walker’s take was pretty damn entertaining so it’s no diss for me to say it’s possible that Wolfman’s style might be a little better suited for a book tasked with the purpose of making us care about Cyborg for the first time in years.
Visually, Felipe Watanabe and Oclair Albert joined forces to deliver on the art and let me just say this has ended up being the best looking artwork the series has had since Ivan Reis da Gawd worked on it in the beginning. The book look more polished than even and the faces are expressive and telling each in their own respective ways.
Bottom Line: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a full fleshed, respectable book on our hands! With the return of Marv Wolfman, some decent Justice League cameos, and some consistent art, DC has a perfectly serviceable Afrofuturism title.
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