writer: Geoff Johns / artist: Doug Mahnke
Somewhere around Forever Evil #4 or #5, it became evident that Lex Luthor was going to be the star of that show. This has carried over to the Justice League as Luthor, ever the egomaniac, is trying to seize upon the opportunity being named the hero of the Crime Syndicate’s invasion become a full fledged member of the Justice League. His plan: to force Batman’s hand with the threat to expose the worst kept secret in Gotham. The interactions, in this book Forever Evil or plenty of comics before are always great between Bruce and Lex, as they are essentially different colors through the same prism. Their conversation and resolution doesn’t disappoint either as Luthor is willing to go to extremes to try and convince Bruce of his line of thinking.
This isn’t the only conflict here as Power Ring has found a new “puppet” and the results are how you would imagine. I do anticipate that we’ll get plenty of Jessica Cruz before she is ultimately defeated / relieved as the host for Power Ring as she was teased out in the last moments of Johns’ run on Green Lantern. This issue is filled with a lot of surprising stuff as well, including a good moment with Cyborg and Shazam on watch together, the possible long game including Cold Fury and Lexcorp and of course the last page where yet another “group” is brought to the mix which can only complicate things.
In the end, this wasn’t a great installment of the Justice League and it seems to be re-creating its own momentum rather than just using the end of Forever Evil, but it has moved a couple of chess pieces around and set up some good stories to be fleshed out in the coming months.
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