writer: Geoff Johns / artist: Jason Fabok

Justice League took a left turn last issue as we thought we would see a fight between the Justice League and Luthor himself, but were instead treated to an attempt on Luthor’s life that resulted in a deadly “Amazo Virus” being released into Metropolis. This issue picks up twenty four hours after the exposure and things are BAD. Superman and Batman are working the streets looking for Patient Zero, Lex is working on a cure for the virus he created and the rest (minus Wonder Woman The God… Literally) of the Justice League are being treated for the infection.

While there have been plenty of good issues during the run, I have been somewhat critical of the new focus on Lex Luthor joining the League. Not because I don’t think it’s an intriguing idea, but mostly because the rest of the heroes have been sidelined quite a bit unless they directly interact with Luthor. This issue though, it just works. On every level. Johns has done a good job of placing everyone in their natural habitat and roles to make this a compelling story for this issue and moving forward. The concern from Diana. The calculation and shade thrown by Captain Cold. The dynamic between Superman and Batman working the streets. It all works very well with a real threat for the league.

Fabok does a good job on the pencils for this one as well. The depiction of the meta-human powers that level 2 infected have reached is specifically well done and the book benefits from a structured and rigid layout that it has had of late. As opposed to what felt like 4 splash pages per issue from times before.

Justice League feels new and compelling again, while putting off the Lex / Justice League conflict for a while and finding a good way to bring them altogether for a common goal. Besides, considering this is Lex’s fault in a way, things will be even more interesting on the other side of this arc.


  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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