Kung Fury: The 80’s Homage The Game Has Been Waiting For

Yo, if we are going to keep it one hundred, the fans are killing it recently. We’ve seen what can be done production wise via the Night Wing fan series, but now we got a new challenger stepping foot in the game with David Sandberg. Sandberg created an epic martial arts action-comedy that is THE GREATEST HOMAGE to the 80’s that we’ve ever seen. I’m talking elements of Rambo, Marty McFly, The Nintendo Power Glove, fuckin…fuckin… dinosaurs, robots…fuckin….fuckin… aggressive police chiefs and that stiff ass action hero dialogue that is so serious and stoic that you can’t help but die laughing.

The entire film is about 30 minutes long and it’s already trending on Twitter. You can check the outrageous-ness below. All you really need to know is Kung Fury is a cop that has to face off with his enemy Kung Fu Hitler… also his partner is a Triceratops that’s a time cop… TriceraCop. Need I say more?

I’m honestly not believing it can get any more ridiculous than this and I am loving it. I’m not going to spoil anything but you already know if you are in for the ride within the first 3 minutes of the film where we see Sandberg (playing Kung Fury) “HOP OUT THE MF’N WHIP” ghost riding the lambo like no one’s business while licking shots…


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This short film is everything nostalgic about the 80’s from the characters to the outlandish plot. This is 30 minutes of fun compacted down for your viewing pleasure, and if you still need to be sold on it… MUTHA’ FUCKIN’ David Hasslehoff, AKA Mr. 80’s Himself saw this film and cut a track for Sandberg off the strength of the first 5 minutes. Come on man, that’s the seal of approval from 1980-89 in freaking real time.


  • Omar Holmon is a content editor that is here to make .gifs, obscure references, and find the correlation between everything Black and Nerdy.

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