[quote_simple]”Motherfucker, you are hard to look at.”
“Like a testicle with teeth.”[/quote_simple]
Yes, yes, y’all! Of all the films that have fans cautiously optimistic these days, Deadpool is perhaps the one that sits right in the middle between “this could be awesome” or “this could absolutely suck.” And that’s mostly because the Merc with the Mouth has the added pressure of being one of the most popular characters who’ll be leading their own movie for this first time. I mean, Ant-Man can be terrible but he was never too popular, so there’s no pressure there. Dawn of Justice or the new Spider-Man could be terrible, but we’ve already seen a million of those too. But Deadpool? From an audience’s standpoint this is a tale of redemption to see if Ryan Reynolds can wash off the filth of Green Lantern and that other reprisal of Deadpool in the Wolverine: Origins the world keeps trying to forget.
Fans’ first sign of hope came when the film was announced to be rated-R, which is pretty necessary to show Deadpool the way people want to see him most — graphic and funny. Now that that’s settled, San Diego Comic Con screened the trailer, complete with DMX screaming in the background, to reassure us it’s going to be the crass college humor we were promised. There’s action, there’s jokes, there’s — well that’s pretty much it. And that’s all we need from this one, right? I mean, I’m not going to see Deadpool for a complex and nuanced portrayal of human subject survivors.
You can check the vid out here.
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