Frantz: Okay, the hype train is leaving the station on New Mutants! Picks up speed with original presentation. I’ve noticed the last few years how Marvel has elected to fit its comic book movies into existing genres. So when I hear New Mutants, set in the 80s, as a horror film, the hype train goes Back To The Future III with wheels that flip up and hover-mode!
Setting this off, using the Claremont/Sienkiewicz run as the basis of the movie means this joint might be Freddy 3 on steroids. This might work out. I was skeptical at first, mostly because the first trailer dropped before Disney acquired Fox. Now I’m full of hope for future projects so there’s absolutely no stakes at all if this movie fails!
In representation news, director Josh Boone made it a point to cast a Brazilian actor as Sunspot and scored powerhouse Alice Braga as…Dr. Cecilia Reyes. Wait, Cecilia Reyes from The Bronx, Cecilia Reyes? AfroLatinx Cecilia Reyes with the locs..or the braids, depending on the artist really. Turned down the ‘Xavier’s dream’ invite to the X-Men twice, Cecilia Reyes? If we’re losing that representation, Braga better bring it! AND she better have them powers on deck!
*Gets off hype train at next stop*
Oona: To quote ProZD, “What is with this ‘Saw’ shit?!” It looks creepy, I’ll give them that. But put enough shots of dark hallways/corners with Michael Myers-esque music and you can make anything perturbing.
I am a fan of both Maisie Williams and Charlie Heaton (Rahne Sinclair and Sam Guthrie, respectively), who are professionals at playing characters that are dark and moody, so I’m sure they’ll fit perfectly into the ambiance this film is trying to encapsulate. However, I don’t know if I’m alone in this but: I just don’t give a fuck about the X-Men anymore? Maybe it was J. Lawrence, but the series seems boring and bland and irritating, like a rash that won’t gtfo.
They’re just milking this cow, but it’s so damn exhausted. Just leave the udder alone. So, now I’m thinking, is this their way of starting something brand new???
Ja-Quan: Soooo I fux with this. All of it. This trailer makes me feel like X-Men is the perfect platform for a “horror movie” in this era of either pushing the envelope or risking mediocrity. It feels genuinely creepy to me. I don’t know how many scared-out-of-your-seat moments they expect to have, but it doesn’t matter because powers are going to be flexed without regard and it will be glorious! This won’t be ordinary humans running around trying to escape torture and experimentation, it’ll be gangsta-ass mutants who can turn into human rockets and harness the power of the sun.
I didn’t really care for Stranger Things star Charlie Heaton while he was helping the young bucks of Hawkins kill DemiDogs and get Will ‘The Amber Alert Prince’ out of the Upside Down. He did a decent job as Jonathan, but this role right here!? This kid’s face was meant for this role! I mean this with all due respect, homie looks like he really is the son of a coal miner and been holed up in the hospital basement, Reek style. I, for one, can’t wait for him to turn that place into a pile of rubble.
Didn’t get much Maisie Williams action, but they cast her for a reason. She’s shown her versatile capabilities out in Braavos and is about to go beast mode on this Wolfsbane role. Yoooo, Sunspot doing his best “flame on!” impersonation in the dryer though?! Alice Braga bringing to life an amazing, relatively unknown comic book character from the X?! Dr. Cecilia Reyes is already showing a phenomenal demented side, and if she keeps that up this movie could be a problem.
The trailer should be reflecting the haunting vibe that director Josh Boone has created in this movie. It’ll certainly pay off to keep that priority #1! Those faces pushing through the wall?! Spooky dope. Everything about a run down mental hospital can be used to their advantage, so here’s to hoping they deliver a fire horror movie in a world filled with astonishing people.
We originally expected New Mutants to drop on April 13th, but the loss of yet another Gambit (let’s not even go there) director has resulted in a shakeup of premiere dates at Fox (remember Disney doesn’t takeover immediately). Deadpool 2 has moved up 2 weeks from June 1st to that prime May 18th date. I say prime because my birthday’s in mid-May and I’m blessed with the best movie premieres year in and year out. In an effort to eliminate overlap, New Mutants is being pushed back to Feb. 22, 2019. I know a year seems a bit extreme, but if that makes the movie better, then so be it. We’ll have Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Solo: A Star Wars Story, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Ant-Man & The Wasp, Pacific Rim 2, Venom and the Merc with a mouth to hold us over until then.
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