Writer: Tom Taylor / Artist: Bruno Redondo / DC Comics
I’ve read a lot of comics. I like a lot of comics. But every now and then, one will come around and just really blow me away for whatever reason. That’s what Suicide Squad is doing for me right now.
It’s a book that’s ridiculous and dynamic and shocking; all things I love about comics. But the thing that really surprises me in every issue is the character work on display in the middle of all that ridiculousness.
Maybe it’s because I aspire to write comics myself that I recognize this stuff when it’s done really well. I just really appreciate it when I see it because believe it or not, it’s not always something that’s present.
Issue #5 of this absolutely wild book is based around Jog, a new character. He’s part of The Revolutionaries, a group that was tricked into getting the infamous chips in their head and forced to join the Squad. They’re a new group of characters created specifically for this run. And I love them all.
This is a Suicide Squad book, though. So, you gotta be wary about who you give your heart to. And I think that’s the nexus of what I’m trying to get at here. Five issues in, I feel like I’ve known these characters for my whole life. I’m rooting for them even though in reality I barely know them. And any of them can explode at any moment.
Jog specifically is someone I’ve taken a liking to since the first issue. He’s a speedster who’s lazy, but like not in the way that The Flash relies on his speed so he slips up in other areas. Jog is focused, but when he’s not running, he’s kinda just chillin’ while eating some chips or taking a nap. He’s also got a bit of a belly. And he’s black.
He’s a guy with powers that I see myself in in more ways than one. He doesn’t seem like someone’s shoes I couldn’t fill if I had the opportunity. And that’s a cool feeling. It was nice to have the issue centered around him, even though you can probably guess what that means.
Redondo on art is fantastic as always. It’s one thing to write a dynamic script, but he really brings it to life in a way that pushes the limits of what the medium will require, making this one of the best monthly comics I’ve read in a while.
Suicide Squad #5 continues to impress with its character work, incredible art, and numerous twists and turns that keep me on the edge of my seat.
10 Lazy Speedsters Out Of 10
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