Writer: Eric Stephenson / Artist: Simon Gane / Image Comics
Issue number six of Image Comic’s They’re Not Like Us looks to be a critical turning point for the series. Depending on its future, this could be viewed as one of those landmarks readers will look back on and think, “That’s when _____ happened.”
After a six-issue build-up, questions are answered, realizations are made and moments of truth occur.
In the more recent issues, we’ve seen Syd push back against the hostile and self-righteous culture of The Voice and his group of embittered psychics that use their powers to get back at an oppressive society, but are also trapped in their own way.
Finally, after being pushed over the edge when things no longer resemble a reality she wants anything to do with, Syd makes a stand for herself. In the heat of the moment, she asks all of the burning questions and says all of the things that the reader has wanted to. [Note: We also learn her real name.]
At the end of it all, the group divides among the respective sides of the new line drawn in the sand on the coast of morality, which the group has been walking along the edge of anyway. In the end, The Voice decides to move on and burn down the house, which has been the series’ most central location.
Up until now, the house has been one of the book’s most interesting things, not to take away from the characters and their compelling backstories. But it’s also not difficult to see how it could’ve become a crutch moving forward. Instead, it appears that They’re Not Like Us wants to grow and establish a solid universe, which is what every great series does.The safety net is gone, Now lets see if the series can pull a Dark Knight Rises and use the absence of a safety net as motivation to soar to the next level.
While the art appeared to be a bit uncomplicated panels, with either an all-black or all-white background for many pages, the ones that call for more detail, like an outside view of the house or it’s green room catch your eye.
If this were to be anyone’s first book of the series, it may not hook them as well as some of its first few. But this issue is more rewarding for those of us who have been waiting for some of the moments it presents.
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