Vote Your Conscience And Watch The New Mass Effect Andromeda Trailer

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Check it, I know what the deal is. It’s the day before the most consequential and yet, possibly, despite history about to be made, uninspiring Presidential election in modern history. So you might be a little sidetracked. I can understand that. But I need you to know, that on Monday, November 7th, in the year of our Lord, the Gods of the Seven at Electronic Arts knew what we needed. They say that the people were thirsty, their hands outstretched to a heaven that wouldn’t have them, pleading for some light in the darkness. And the Gods of the Seven said unto us, we shall bless you with Space Opera and L5 bio implants. We shall bless you with an omni-tool and a ship that ain’t the Normandy but will absolutely remind you of the Normandy. We shall let you gaze upon the beautiful geometry the Asari cranium and the sexy ass blue biotics they emit.

And it was good, fam. It was good.

Seriously though, Mass Effect Trilogy is a top 5 video game trilogy Dead or Alive and that shit is not disputable in this black ass corner of cyberspace. It might be the most sci-fi video game that ever did sci-fi, ya heard. And since we’re pretty sure that EA isn’t working on a remaster of that trilogy, then that means the team been focusing on making this joint as lit as N7 programming gear will allow you.

When I say the trailer is epic, what I mean is, I wish a deep voiced villain that obviously ain’t checked out resume on saving the galaxy, would. This shit look MAJESTIC fam. Ever since Mass Effect 2, the team has absolutely nailed the sense of scale and big budget movie feel for this kind of story and this trailer looks like the evolution of that.


Don’t worry about the protagonist and that he looks like Team Instinct’s Gym Leader Spark’s more responsible older brother who was captain of his row team. Cuz this Mass Effect, Commander, you can customize the fuck out of your fearless leader. BLACK PATHFINDER IS IN THE MUTHAFUCKING BUILDING.

Nah, get into it. Spring 2017. I’m locked in. And as far as you know, occupied as soon as this drops. Don’t @ me.

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  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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