Hey folks! It’s been a while since we’ve had a Cosplay Corner interview on the site but never fear! We’re rolling out this one with several new ones in the works. Enjoy Lexi Momo!

BNP: Please tell us a little about yourself. 

Lexi Momo: Hi! My name is Alexis but I go by Lexi (or Momo). I’m born and raised in New York and a full time Office Manager. I like to call myself a “magical girly girl” who’s into fashion, makeup, cosplay, a geek enthusiast, cat mama to one, and a child of God.


BNP: Are you a sailor moon fan or are you a SAILOR MOON FAN? Sailor Moon is responsible for inspiring one of your personal mantras–“Hope, faith, positivity” and your own OC: Sailor Hope, whom you cosplay as. Can you explain to us how this certain cosplay came to be?


LM: I’m a SAILORMOON FAN! I’ve loved it ever since first watching it in the 90’s. I love the new items they have now because I’m able to collect them since I didn’t have the privilege when I was younger. Princess Hope was created from the mashup of the Sailor Moon universe, wanting to expand the diversity, and further spreading the message of Sailor Moon, which to me is; don’t be afraid to fight for what you believe is right and just.


BNP:  ALSO-the fanart! There is LEVELS to this fangirling! Can you also give us the story of how you obtained the fanart and who the artist is?

LM: Sure! I first was captivated by the artwork of Gilles Bones  and his versions of Hello Kitty, who I adore. So when he was accepting commissions I couldn’t pass the opportunity to have him create my Princess Hope character into an adorable kitty. He took photos of my Princess Hope for reference and from that created “Princess ‘Hello Kitty’ Hope”. Gilles Bones is an incredible artist and I’m very happy with how my commission turned out.


BNP: How did you pick the characters you choose the cosplay as? What weighs as more important to you–the complexities of creating the costume or how the character has made you feel–how the character stands out to you?

LM: I’m influenced by what character I choose to cosplay by design, personality, whether it’s for a group or not, etc. It all depends on the situation and where I’ll be wearing the costume. What weighs more to me is how the character stands out to me, how the character makes me feel. The character can be wearing a simple outfit of a t-shirt and jeans but if I really like the character I’ll cosplay it (ex. Bulma). My “specialty” right now is finding clothing pieces and items similar to the characters and customizing them. My friends call me a master online/eBay shopper/finder.


Mask created by Ravenwood Masks


BNP:  You recently cosplayed as Rei Hououmaru from Kill La Kill, the dark skinned, purple hair wearing, secretary of the nefarious Revos corporation this year at AX. What drew you to cosplay as her? I hear you and the friend who cosplayed as Rei’s boss, Ragyo Kiryuin were well received. How was that experience?

LM: Honestly, at first I didn’t know much about the character. I thought she was cute, it was something simple/fast to do, and wanted to cosplay with my friend who was Ragyo (Lilhevn). However, I don’t like cosplaying a character without knowing some background information. So I read up on the character and watched a good amount of the anime. This gave me a better understanding of who I was cosplaying as and mostly how to act/pose in photos. Overall, I like her and had fun being Ragyo’s devoted assistant. lol! My friend and I did show up ‘fashionably’ late to the Kill La Kill photo shoot because it was hard to find but once we got there we were received with a warm welcome. We had a fun time as a villainous duo.  Heehee! 😉


BNP:  Outside of cosplay, you have a very, very cute and quirky wardrobe: one that reflects your love of vintage inspired pieces and other outfits obviously inspired by your nerdy interests. What are some of your favorite pieces? And if you don’t mind, where have you scored some of these?

LM: Oh, thank you so much! My favorite pieces now are anything vintage/vintage inspired (pinup/rockabilly), cute, and girly. Also, items that you don’t see around often, like my My Little Pony dress to my Vegeta armor t-shirt. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m a bit of a shopaholic especially when it comes to discounts, sales, clearances, etc. I love fashion and try to shop as reasonable as possible but if there’s an item that’s not common/unique then I’ll reconsider and splurge a little.

I’m a big online shopper, so a lot of my items come from websites like – eBay, Amazon, independent shops on Storenvy, etsy, etc. Retail stores; Pinup Girl Clothing, Tatyana Boutique, Betsey Johnson, Forever21, H&M, thrift shops (Salvation Army, Buffalo Exchange, Cross Roads), etc. OMG! I’ll stop here before this interview turns from cosplay into a fashion/style one. lol! XD

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BNP:  Top Five Favorite Female Anime Characters?

LM: This was tough since I adore so many of them! In no special order:

  • Momo Adachi (Peach Girl)
  • Bulma (Dragon Ball Z)
  • Sailor Moon (lumping them all here, lol)
  • Sakura (Cardcaptors)
  • Miwako (Paradise Kiss)

BNP:  I happen to come across a picture of you with two other cosplayers working on your costumes that made it into the book that Cosplay In America is putting out.  How does it feel to be included visually in such a big project documenting the cosplay movement in the U.S? Also you’re pictured with two other female black cosplayers in that picture, how does it feel to share your passion with other WOC and have positive representation shown of you three?

LM: The other two lovely ladies pictured with me were Geisha Vi  and Lilhevn . It was an awesome opportunity and experience!  This representation of diversity breaks the mold of this confined “box” POC cosplayers are put into. It positively shows we are also talented, skilled, creative, beautiful, handsome, awesome people who enjoy the craftsmanship and aesthetic of cosplay just the way we are.

BNP: Lastly, what are your future goals?

LM: Unfortunately, lately I’ve been having off and on feelings for cosplay but know I won’t entirely quit because I enjoy the aesthetics of it so much. I do hope to get better and advance my skills but mostly have fun with it no matter what. For personal, keep working on myself to be the best person I can be and take it day by day.

See more of Lexi-Momo here or see what she’s reblogging on tumblr.




QLQL (AX Kill La Kill Photos)

All other photos shot by and edited by the cosplayer

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  • Carrie McClain is writer, editor and media scholar. Other times she's known as a Starfleet Communications Officer, Comics Auntie, and Golden Saucer Frequenter. Nowadays you can usually find her avoiding Truck-kun and forgetting her magical girl transformation device. She/Her

  • Show Comments

  • Deacon

    Lexi is my first intro to the Black Cos Play world ; thanks mOMO 😉

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