Writer: Tony Blando/ Artist: Keiko Weins / Cover Art: Edgar Covarrubias / Gumroad
Released on Valentine’s Day this year, Love Is In The Air is written and lettered by Tony Blando, back after his first foray into comics, the mermaid tale SINKER. Love Is In The Air is billed as “a sci-fi mini-comic extravaganza” with really fun art by Keiko Weins. I had been looking at sneak peeks of this comic for a a while now on Tony’s Instagram and I’m glad it’s finally out in the world.
Of Scientists and Robots
“A bad day gets worse when budding-scientist Hanna and her robot sidekick Dweeb encounter a strange happening in her town…” Our comic opens to the bedroom of Hanna — she’s a frazzled teen scientist who has just arrived home to the safety of her bedroom and lab. She’s greeted by her robot companion Dweeb who is endearingly helpful and a thing I totally want to protect. Also Dweeb makes me sit in my feels cause I’m not over Oppy, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. Oppy’s last words were: “My battery is low and it’s getting dark.” Cue the ‘I don’t know why I’m crying in the club meme’. But back on topic, Hanna is home, weary yet ready to jump back into another day of science although she has much on her mind.
The rise to action comes when Hanna’s sister, who has been preoccupied with a boyfriend lately, comes by to spend time with her nerdy little sister — intriguing dear Hanna as it is something a bit out of character. Hanna and Dweeb find that something BIG has happened — something science can’t quite explain yet — LOVE IS IN THE AIR! All over her neighborhood folks are out in the streets with appropriate heart eyes being loving and kind to each other. Hanna and Dweeb manage to get out the house and try to figure out what phenomenon this is and how to fix it, or at least stop it from infecting others.
Love is Contagious
Away Hanna and Dweeb go to the storage lab to hastily build something to help fend off the love crazy populace and phone a friend to help. Bent on surviving the Love-Pocalyse our heroine isn’t sure if everyone’s feelings are genuine. Sure everyone appears to have become kinder, and some folks are having a better alternative to whatever awful turn of events happened earlier in the day. But is it real?
Our little scientist is armed, has an ally on the way and has her faithful Dweeb with her. Then she’s confronted with a person she wants to be lovesick over. Simultaneously, she realizes she’s not sure if saving the world from this love sickness is the right thing to do. It definitely moves the heart of the narrative from a black and white situation to a gray area where she has to acknowledge this seems to be the best thing for some people. Hannah’s not sure what steps to take next.
Well Matched
Weins’ art keeps the story moving. It is bright, fun to follow along with, and full of action. The highly exaggerated love struck eyes of the infected parties and their terrifying strength and speed increase the need for some action to be taken. My favorites panels are the ones with Hanna in them: in her lab, firing off the weapon she made, and of course the big moment near the end that may have left someone with a concussion. The art is paired beautifully with enough color that sets the tone for some moments for high emotion and others for background purposes.
Love Is In The Air is a win if you want a mini comic that will make you laugh alongside make you ponder what avenue to take morally on the topic of love.
Pick up a digital copy of it on Gumroad.
8 Golden Sky Lit Confessions Out Of 10
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