Don’t know how you all are going to barbecue and social distance, but whatever you do wash your hands often, stay 6 feet apart, and WEAR A MASK…now…
Here’s what we reviewed in comics this week that you might want to check out:
Dead Body Road: Bad Blood #1
Jordan and Tiesma start the issue with a classic cold open, where a menacing white man who goes by the designation Monk, brutalizes another white man, in retribution for the man failing Monk in an unspecified capacity. Monk sends a mook to shake down someone’s sister for information, and thus the story begins in proper with heavy foreshadowing that this sister is not someone to trifle with.
Empyre Magazine
It’s most certainly a preview to the Empyre event that is kicking off this July, but it’s also a Kree/Skrull War roadmap that takes you back to the millenia old intergallactic conflict, gives insight into the Celestial Messiah story and brings readers up to date on the Raksor and Bel-Dann beef before detailing Hulkling’s ascension to the Kree and Skrull throne. On top of all that, there are previews galore and they sure are pretty!
Hawkeye: Freefall #6
Hawkeye Freefall #6 gives us what we all want and puts two of the most accurate and deadly shooters in Marvel against each other. While I wish it had lasted longer, the battle between Hawkeye and Bullseye was a fun one. Allow Clint to throw on the target logo forehead suit and Dex to don the Ronin gear with Schmidt on the panels and you got yourself a good ol’ fashioned arrow slangin slugfest!
What books did you check out this week that we didn’t cover? Hit us in the comments or on our social media!
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