Writer: Chris Scott / Artist: Chris Scott
Before artist/writer Chris Scott introduces you to his world of the intergalactic Two Ton Rock God tournament — before dropping terms like ‘string mages’ and ‘rhythmechs’ or names like Electrodonna and Jet Cadillac — he links a Spotify playlist on the opening page. In this reviewer’s humble opinion, comics that include their own music playlists are a level of confidence and self-knowledge that we should all aspire to.
Even if the tracklist isn’t to one’s liking (personally, a non-issue in this case), a comic that provides a soundtrack is like a wrestler swaggering up to the ring of your attention to its own theme music. It helps set the tone and energy of what you’re about to experience and make no mistake: Two Ton Rock God is an experience.
The aforementioned titular competition features musicians (‘string mages’) linked with ostentatious, slightly-larger-than-normal robots. Much like Stands from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, or Digimon from…I forget the name of the show, these pairs square off against one another for physical & musical supremacy. Don Electric, the longest-running champion of the event, has issued a challenge to all comers. Naturally, young, scrappy Rocket Washington wants to take his guitar and his robot pal Moxie on the road to the title. First, though, he’s got to get some time in the ring.
Going through a day in the life of Rocket fills out a supporting cast lovingly designed by Scott. Wise, gruff elders; energetic young hopefuls, and beautifully bizarre background characters are fused with cyborgs, aliens, and robots. The result is a one-of-a-kind rockabilly afrofuturism, yet feels kin to anime like Redline or Megalobox (both of which also feature music as an undeniable part of their DNA).
I prefer to try and remain as impartial as possible when reviewing, but readers may notice that the word ‘feels’ has come up a lot in discussing this comic. Despite the digital form of the review copy for Two Ton Rock God, it feels (there’s that word again!) like a work of passion picked up from a convention’s Artist Alley. This is strong praise — the roughness of the linework combined with the vibrancy of the color generates an energy that’s barely contained within the comic’s panels. This is less ‘something that would be picked up out of idle curiosity’ and more ‘thrust into the hands of the confused by those it has already converted’.
During the many interviews director Boots Riley did for the film Sorry To Bother You, many people brought up how the movie was so stuffed with ideas that it felt like Riley himself had the suspicion he might never get another chance to make a movie again. The director countered by saying, “I’ve never been one to conserve my ideas…I’m never going to stop having dozens of ideas at a time. It’s not like I don’t think I’ll get another chance to make a film again, it’s more like that idea makes it better.”
If Two Ton Rock God calls this a warm-up, I look forward to seeing what the hell Chris Scott’s got for the set list.
10 out of 10 Guitar Hero Stars
Pick up a copy of Two Ton Rock God here in Scott’s online store. See more of him on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and his personal website.
Review of Issue #2 here.
A STORY OF MUSICIANS USING INSTRUMENTS TO PILOT SUPER FIGHTING ROBOTS IN A BATTLE OF THE BANDS UNLIKE ANY OTHER! GRAB YOURS AT https://t.co/4Mz16eEKQi#twotonrockgod #afrofuturism #Robots #scifI #comics #music #indiecomics #chrisjamesscott #prowrestling https://t.co/iGvQIQeiL5
— CHRIS SCOTT!!! (@ChrisJamesScott) September 17, 2018
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