Author: Cullen Bunn / Artist: Mark Bagley / Marvel
Sharper than a Katana
Shadowing and textures of the characters were the first things I noticed. At times it was glossy, then it was sharp and shady. It’s almost like I could sense the fear before the characters realized they are in danger. Almost like…foreshadowing (ba dum tss). The movement throughout the panels was essentially jagged, which I feel like is a great ‘character versus setting’ comparison. The sharp strokes create a form of intensity that is stretched out through the issue, and those sound effects? Don’t even get me started. The wording was designed so well I almost heard it. If you’re into dark humor and action-packed comics, Deadpool is always the guy for you.
Story is Thicker than Setting
What I loved most about this comic is the fact that it is quick, dark and the thickness of the story aligns with the execution of the setting. Deadpool’s mouth is always a fan-favorite but I believe the highlight of this issue is how gruesome he is. Not as many puns, but the darkness in the jokes pushed through. Which made me go “Daaaaaaamn, why he do them like that?”
The flashbacks were a nice touch that allowed us to see this soft side to our almost-immortal mercenary. After being in the mercenary game for years, your outlook changes. Relationships transform, and so does your relationship to what you do. The flashbacks set a reflective mood; and the reader will often go back and forth between DP’s internal reflections, silly banter, and doing his job. This is one I wish to reread over and over again. It felt like I was playing the DP video game with every page turn. This comic is a reminder to the audience so they can remember who the real Wade Wilson is.
Looking for more of the Merc with the Mouth? We gotchu!
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