Writer: Christopher Priest / Artist: Carlo Pagulayan / DC Comics
I been waiting for this shit right here, man. Deathstroke, the baddest muthafucka on the planet in the DC Universe, even more so than Batman in some cases and we’re finally seeing him take on Superman. Y’all remember back in “Identity Crisis” when Slade took down the entire Justice League? Single handily? Yeah, that happened so now it’s Superman’s turn. Slade is there to fulfill a hit, but Superman is right there for the blockage. I was wondering how Priest was going to set this up and it was done rather beautifully. We see Slade’s suit is on par with Wayne Tech and I wanna say even better than Wayne Tech as it drew blood from Superman.
This set up was well done by Priest, I loved seeing Slade move to outwit Superman using what’s around him. He knows he can’t beat Superman but that’s not the end result. The main goal is killing the mark that Slade was sent to get. Priest has justice being the reoccurring theme running throughout the book between Supes and Slade. Who’s right and who’s wrong is all a matter of perspective. Why was Superman just now stepping in to stop Slade as opposed to stopping this criminal just as ruthless?
Pagulayan did an incredible job displaying how effective Slade’s suit is against Superman and the technology that works behind it. I enjoyed the colors of the suit taking blow’s and the effect of that suit coming back on Superman. Priest does a good job putting the functions of the gravitational sheath that Slade is wearing down into layman’s terms.The confusing part came during the later portion of the issue when it seemed that Superman was overhearing and interacting with Slade’s comm link. It proved hard to follow and was a bit of a slow down in such a well placed issue.
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