Writer: Al Ewing / Artists: Kenneth Rocafort, Djibral Morissette / Marvel Comics
Off the strength, Al Ewing isn’t playing any fucking games with y’all, yo. None. The Ultimates pick up with Ant-Man having lost control of his powers, killing his guards, freeing himself, and in that, freeing Thanos as well. Thanos is all up in Anti-Man’s ear like, “ooooh, look what you done did. Lemme tell you why you need to fuck with ya boy Thanos and my plan for the perfect nothingness.” We get a vague but rather detailed look into how things have gone array in the universe from cosmic entities to the remnant effects from the incursions and the secret war. The Ultimates appear seeing the mess then Anti-Man fades out and what ensues is a straight up royal rumble with Thanos attempting (and pretty much succeeding for the most part) at holding the ring the fuck down.
Thanos is such a monster and Ewing really captured that about him. We’ve seen The Ultimates shine individually and as a unit but now we’re seeing a villain give them the hardest time they’ve had in a while. Plus, THANOS. WAS. TALKING. THAT. SHIT. TO. CAROL. DOE. Read what he said to Carol bout the first Captain Marvel. The fucking read for filth, yo. I loved it. Djibral Morissette was on guard to help Rocafort on art this issue. Rocafort has such a rugged and unique style that stopped short of the action where Morissette took over. this was a good combination but the two styles or too vastly different and it felt almost like two completely different segments of the same book. That’s taking nothing away from the collaboration tho because shit was still flames. I’ve gotten so use to Rocafort’s art for this series that it’s very hard to incorporate another style that doesn’t have that same unique eye for background, drama, and out there shit like he captures.
This is the series to fuck with man, we got a lot of action this issue but we also go the team remembering what they do best aside from the problem solving with their fists. Also, Civil War II jumps right back a the forefront of this issue as well. I liked how Thanos doesn’t distract for too long from the big dilemma that’s driving a wedge between these individuals and the team as a whole.
The Ultimates is still that book that’s delivering what it’s promised. We got a team full of powerhouses doing real powerhouse shit and also having to work with one another and deal with the shit the universe throws at them (that they’re supposed to be getting ahead of). You want a consistent banger with a vast array of diverse characters, women shining, and smart folk, then hop up on this series people.
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