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The highly-anticipated and hotly-debated The Flash and Supergirl crossover episode is going down tonight. Accept it. Hate it. Embrace it if you’re feeling ballsy. Why? Because it’s gonna be Cruisin’-USA-muffler flames, that’s why! (If you don’t get that reference please ask your moms for $20, go to the mall on Friday night, and step inside the gaming Terror Dome known as the arcade. Thank me later.)
OK, here’s the thing. If you don’t watch Supergirl, or gave it a shot for 2-3 episodes and dropped it, I feel you. Some of those episodes in the first half of the season were New York City garbage-truck-liquid-dripping-out-the-back trash. Getting to know Supergirl and understanding her alter ego, Kara Zor El, wasn’t always the easiest; fully comprehending the backstory and her journey from Krypton to Earth took some time. There were upsides though, including becoming familiar with Kara’s dope-with-the-hands sister Alex, which was a pleasant surprise, and witnessing Kara and Alex’s boss turn out to be Martian Manhunter, which was amazing.
That said, let me tell you something: the show is good. I won’t go out on a limb and call it amazing or on the same level as The Flash or Daredevil, but it’s very well written and it features dope female characters with immense powers, which is a rarity in the hyper-masculine superhero world.
Shout out to Jessica Jones and Agent Carter.
The Flash is the shit. No other way to put it. Sure, I may be a little biased by writing weekly recaps and dissecting each episode, but ask around and most people will tell you The Flash is the best weekly superhero TV show out right now. And the second half of Supergirl has been pretty great television, so the decision to bring the Flash, played by Grant Gustin, onto Supergirl’s show is a perfect fit. Both shows are very vibrant and upbeat. Both heroes have the ill optimistic mindset and possess some incredible powers. National City should feel blessed to see Flash do work alongside Supergirl.
Sidebar: The possibility of Flash and Supergirl pulling some Marvel vs Capcom combination-type finishing moves is so dope and would be incredible to see. This is why we do crossover episodes, people!
Catch up on in-depth recaps of The Flash here and coverage of CBS’s Supergirl here. In this increasingly saturated world of heroes on the silver screen, make sure you tune in on CBS tonight at 8PM. This unprecedented crossover between two networks shows us the incredible possibilities of a large-scale shared universe on network television. What a time to be a nerd!
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