Avengers #28 (Original Sin) Review

writer: Jonathan Hickman; art: Leinil Francis Yu

“After all this isn’t just my home Thor / it’s where I go to work.”

Let me get what could be considered a negative out of the way first: With the Original Sin story line going and this being billed as a tie-in, there is no semblance of a connection to that crossover in this issue. But that’s actually really OK, as the fallout from Steve Rogers being expelled (sans memory) from the Illuminati finally comes into play and you could say that Steve isn’t all that pleased about it. The one crack in the shield is that Captain America just kind of remembers everything without any real prompting or anything supernatural happening to lift the spell from Dr. Strange. The How could’ve been handled better, but we still got the “What happens next” and it really, really delivers. Knowing that at some point, Steve would remember what happened to him, it was easy money that it would play out as a confrontation with Stark as its fair to say the two have, ahem, history.

The end of the issue also solves a long wondered (if not totally forgotten) mystery and it has large repercussions for the next issue. I also should take time to point out how well the art works in this issue, doing a good job with slow progressions where little dialogue exists and in the action sequences. Having checked in and out on the Avengers book and being less than enthralled with the last story line, it was good to see the chicken come home to roost on Tony and Illuminati and to see how that has sent shock waves and unforeseen consequences into the world.


  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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