Writer: Christy Marx / artist: Rags Morales / DC Comics
Maybe it’s because of the titles I’m reading or just the nature of two-parters, but whatever you feel for part 1 of Convergence will not be the same for part 2. In Green Arrow #2’s case, this formula works in the reader’s favor.
Whatever awkwardness was felt with Ollie and Connor’s rushed introduction melts away with the addition of Dinah and Olivia Queen, Oliver’s wife and daughter, respectively, in Kingdom Come. The familial chemistry between these four harkens back to the heyday of the Arrow clan when Ollie, Dinah, Connor, and Mia Dearden shared panels and adventures. There’s actually quite a few moments that warm the heart or at the very least bring a smile to your face, such as when Olivia and Connor geek out about finally having each other as siblings, and that sort of lightness is much-needed in comparison to the heavily apocalyptic feel of other stories in this crossover.
Perhaps it’s the closeness these characters exhibit, however, that forces this comic to take a more strategy-based approach. Whatever the reason, when paired with the equally compelling backgrounds of both sets of characters, you get a story ripe with suspense as to who will be the victor. For instance, what happens when Ollie’s quick thinking butts against Connor’s pacifism? How difficult would it be to battle a man who is almost everything like your husband or father? This issue allows for a lot more open ended questions and showing rather than telling, the way a good comic should.
I’m still not particularly sold on Morales’ art, although details like Olivia’s smudged mascara after she’d been crying as well the comical facial reactions the characters give one another leave me giving it a pass. Although Marx’s intro into the story wasn’t stellar, I’d say her ending was well worth enduring the start. Additionally, the end of the comic features some really lovely art from Jesus Saiz and intriguing story from Cullen Bunn that already has me convinced to pick up the Divergence Green Lantern featuring John Stewart. Not a must-have, but certainly worthwhile to the reader who picks it up.
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