Sam Alexander is just trying to be the good son. I love that being the heart of this issue. We get a bit of a break from space as Sam tries to help his Mom out. Sam knows about the eviction notice but doesn’t tell his mother. So he tries to fix that in his own way.
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich doesn’t work out too well. We get another hilarious scene of him fixing his problems by throwing things into the sun. This issue had a huge family feel to it. We get to see more of the Mom being just that…a Mom. A Mom worried about her son who travels into space, as well as her youngest daughter, and missing husband. This issue proved that we don’t always need a big adventure or villain to show up.
Duggan is doing the lawd’s work with Sam Alexander. The formula reminds me of Jaime Reyes when he first debuted and told his fam he was Blue Beetle. That dynamic is beautiful in this book but even better due to it being a single mother having to manage a superhero son now. We get some lil sister mishaps when she puts on the Nova helmet and Sam taking the blame as a good older brother. We then see Sam’s Mom upset sending him out so she can get that much needed down time.
Sam and his Mom share a moment about their father. Sam then says he knows he is still alive. His mother already had her intuition about it. Sam plans his visit to Uatu to ask exactly where his father is “I don’t think he is supposed to help me… but we are friends”. Man listen. If you following Original sin. You knooooow why heartbreak is ahead for Sam.
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