Writer: Grant Morrison / Artist: Liam Sharp / DC Comics
The Green Lantern is one of those books that looks like one kind of story at first, but turns out to be a whole other thing when you really pay attention. The past couple of issues have brought Grant Morrison’s vision into full focus. A first glance would tell you this book is more of Morrison’s trademark weirdness thrown into a kaleidoscopic, semi-comical version of outer space. What we’re actually getting is turning out to be a really intriguing interstellar version of Law and Order.
This issue sees Hal Jordan delving deeper into the space criminal underworld, in order to root out the larger entity behind a series of related crimes. Morrison does a pretty good job of inviting us into an infinitely creepy hellscape, designed to put our hero through his paces. It almost comes across as esoteric concepts made into literal creatures and happenings, like the Phantom Tollbooth.
Honestly, the atmosphere Morrison’s script is after wouldn’t be possible without the brillance of Liam Sharp’s art. I thought he’d given us his best work on this book last issue. Here, he outdoes that by a mile. This isn’t just about the care and detail that goes into the environments in every single panel of how Sharp uses every bit of the space to convey bearings and action in a scene. Contrasting features and emotions can be seen on every face, and no two facial structures are ever alike. No character feels lifeless or left out of a scene, even when they don’t have any direct purpose or dialogue in that moment.
Bottom Line: Morrison’s story continues to raise the stakes, making way for Liam Sharp to deliver a lovely book composed of plot-driven tension and action. Definitely worth your time and money.
Reading The Geen Kantern? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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