The wild west, blazing saddles, gun slinging outlaws and… Black people? Late last week, the trailer for The Harder They Fall dropped online, and it quickly set the internet ablaze with excitement. We’ve been asking for a movie with Black people that didn’t center our trauma for so long. It’s nice to not have to collectively groan over a trailer and instead scream at our screens in joy.
Stellar Cast
For starters, the trailer for this movie wastes no time reeling us in by introducing us to it’s heavy-hitting cast. One by one, your draw drops a centimeter or two as they slowly reveal Regina King, LaKeith Stanfield, Idris Elba, Delroy Lindo, Jonathan Majors, and Zazie Beetz. We also see some familiar faces in Edi Gathegi, Danielle Deadwyler, and RJ Cyler. After they introduce everyone, you have to start the trailer over because you didn’t pay attention to what the movie was about because you were distracted by all of these actors you know and love.
Quirky Fun
After you watch the trailer for the second, third, and fourth times, that’s when you see that this is a western, but one that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Yeah, there’s action, killing, and mean looks, but it’s framed in a way where those things are secondary to everyone having a good time. The trailer also plays Fela Kuti’s “Let’s Start” as it weaves us through stylish outfits, flying bullets, and horse riding. There’s no way you watch this trailer and get the sense it’s gonna be a dense slow burn. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
No Yts
After the cast and the tone, the thing that stood out to me most was that there’s no white people, and when I say that I mean that there’s no white people billed in the main cast, and no recognizable faces. This is a Black movie, and they want to make sure that we all know it. The only white people we see in the trailer are either getting robbed, beaten, or getting a few slugs in the gut. *Insert Michael Jackson Joyously Eating Popcorn Gif*
We Have to Show Up

This movie is releasing on Netflix, but also in select theaters. Normally, I’d say why go to the movies when you can just watch it in the comfort of your own home? Especially since we’re still irresponsibly easing out of a pandemic. But with this not coming out until sometime in the Fall, I say if you’re able, go see this in theaters. Not because I’m some annoying dude who believes that movies should be seen on the big screen as intended, but because I’m a cynic who knows that money talks. And if we want to see more movies like this, we’ve gotta support the ones we do get. Hell, go see it at the movies and then watch it at home. Give it some double love. Whatever it takes for us to show Hollywood that we want more of this.
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