X-Factor #2 Review

Writer: Leah Williams / Artist: David Baldeon / Marvel Comics

X-Factor is off to a pretty good start. Leah Williams has crafted a fun ensemble book that distinguishes itself from other X-Team books with it’s humor and wacky charm. In issue #2, the newly formed X-Factor Investigations looks into a mutant disappearance in the Mojoverse. X-Books have a lot of fun on other worlds and this one is no different. Williams takes a fresh, hilarious angle on the Mojoverse. XFI enter a world that has social media and live streaming hardwired into its very infrastructure. In many ways, it’s like a whimsical inverse of our own world’s obsession with social media and the internet.

There’s a pretty good balance of comedy, action and plot movement in Williams’ script. The ensemble is a fun combination of characters with Northstar and Daken being two fun standouts. It takes a really talented writer to write convincing character dynamics when one of the characters isn’t even with the rest and only loosely interacting with the others. Meanwhile, David Baldeon’s artwork perfectly blends silliness with colorful sci-fi aesthetics and social media sensibilities. The splash page introducing Mojo is easily the centerpiece of the entire issue. The level of detail and gorgeous color palette definitely bring Williams script to life.

Bottom Line: Nothing like a good looking, lighthearted ensemble book to add to the X-line varied styles of storytelling. Certainly worth the coin.

9 Multiverses out of 10

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